In our nurseries offer, in addition to not protected varieties, one can find plants which are protected by license. We have agreements with all leading European breeders. Breeders do not allow the free circulation of these plants, their propagation and sale require written approval and signing of the contract. The vast majority of plant belongs to the Garden Girls licensed by Kurt Kramer from Germany. These plants are designated by (s). The minimum number of plants that contract can be signed is 5000 pcs, If you are interested in Garden Girls varieties please contact with DSG Berlin Royalty Office to sign the necessary agreements. Cuttings will be given to you only after presentation of a valid contract.
To sign a licence agreement with DSG Berlin, representing Mr Kramer, by e-mail, letter or phone (they speak English).
If you have a valid contract remember to give us its number buying plants. We are obligated to report it to the Royalty Office.
To sign the license agreement on the variety series “Garden Girls” one should sent to the DSG Berlin the following information:
- complete company address (incl. phone/fax number, email address),
- tax identification number VAT valid for EU (if you have it, if no, than just write – “I do not have EU VAT number”),
- size of company (size of company by volume of one year production of Calluna, or size of company by the area of all nurseries and there from the greenhouse area),
- planned number of production.
After submitting this information, you should expect a postage with contract from DSG Berlin, after receiving the agreement, please sign and return it to DSG Berlin.
Deutsche Saatgutgesellschaft mbH Berlin
International Royalty-Office
Gartenstr. 65
12557 BERLIN
Phone: +49-(0)30-6572343
Fax: +49-(0)30-6572346,
If you have questions feel free to contact: e-mail:
Varietal offer was presented in the catalog.