Heather and heath - plugs

Heathers and heaths seedlings are available in all varieties available in the catalog. Seedlings are planted in multipallets of 144 pieces. The plants are fully rooted. The material is ideal for further production. Seedlings planted in containers in the spring will give a full-fledged commercial material in the same season. All heathers bloom in time according to their physiology.
Seedlings that we offer are of the highest quality materials, inspected regularly by scientists and consultants. When you purchase our material, you can expect a full, professional help and advice in running your production.

We offer a variety of license seedlings of leading European breeders. Before you make your decision download “Wolski heathers and heaths catalog” in PDF format, and get thoroughly familiar with our offer.

Sales are conducted throughout the year, except during the summer and winter months. Purchase of 5000 pieces made ​​in the autumn season in the season before planting in containers is granted with the lowest prices offered. Customers who purchase more than 10000 and 20000 pieces can count on discounts.


up to 10000 pcs 0,88 PLN netto

up to 20000 pcs 0,77 PLN netto

20000 and more pcs 0,66 PLN netto

Our regular contractors can always count on special treatment.

Orders can be placed by mail, post, fax.